Much has been in the news lately about the escalating costs of prescription medications – in particular price hikes for medicines necessary to save lives.
Last week, Mylan CEO Heather Bresch, was chastised before a Congressional panel for hiking the price of the epinephrine delivery device from $97 per two dose pack in 2007 to over $600 in 2016.
Epinephrine is a vital, life saving drug when administered when someone is suffering the grips of anaphylactic shock. It is not a new drug, in fact epinephrine has been around since 1901.
As you will see in the video below, I’ve developed a unique solution that costs pennies on the dollar:
- One 1cc vial of epinephrine ($5.00)
- Three syringes ($.60)
I encourage you to share this post with not just your friends on social media, but your doctor as well. For someone with a need for epinephrine on hand, utilizing some simple pharmacology basics along with the direction of a competent physician there is no reason why anyone should be without this drug.
One thing that is often overlooked is the expiration of the EpiPen. Clearly stamped on each device, EpiPen effectiveness decreases over time. You certainly don’t want to be in a situation where an immediate epinephrine injection is needed, but the medicine you have is outdated and ineffective.
Many pharmacies do not stock pure epinephrine simply because doctors have been conditioned to write prescriptions for name brand solutions. Although I had to special order the epinephrine used in the above video, it still cost me only $5 for the vial.
EpiSAVE Kits Available
For patients living in Ohio and Florida, I am willing to prescribe and provide my own unique kit that contains one vial of epinephrine along with three syringes. You’ll need to book an eVisit with me so I can consult with you and provide you the proper direction on how to administer the shot when necessary. The cost of an eVisit is $60, and you can turn the receipt into your insurance for possible reimbursement. Our eVisit platform is secure, HIPAA complaint, and is convenient. If you have a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or webcam enabled device you can connect with me anywhere.
I only ask you pay a $5 shipping and handling fee and the cost of the supplies ($5.60). For a total of $70.60, you can receive three doses of epinephrine.
With some teaching and common sense, we can help fight these big pharma monopolies on saving lives.